Bats love to stop and take a break from their feeding during
the night and hang in their favorite spots. Unfortunately, that "spot" is many times someone's porch area because
it's safe and out of the weather for them. A build up of urine and guano can stain the siding as the picture above shows.

Homes or building that have housed many bats for many years
can get an odor problem from the build up of urine and guano on the roof rafters in the attic as shown above.

Large castle in the southern part of the United States.

This here is Andy Hanks at age 11 now Owner/Operator of
Wissota Bat Proofing. Andy has been dealing with bats and bat problems for most of his life. "I loved to travel with
my dad all around the country watching him solve peoples bat problems. Now my young son says the same thing."

This collage stadium
had a large bat problem. The bats were causing a bad smell for the fans.

Lake Alice bat house in Gainsville, Florida. About 4000
bats were safely excluded from 4 large stadiums and placed in their new home in 1991. Now houses about 100,000.

is Marshall Hanks along with actor Michael Keaton, better known as "Batman". Marshall traveled out to meet Mr.
Keaton in Montana and to solve his bat problems he had there in 2006. The question remains: Who is the real Batman?

Samford Hall Alburn Alabama.
One of several buildings batproofed for the Alburn University

Historical building at
Auburn University, Auburn Alabama is now bat free.

This is a view from underneath
the Lake Alice bat house.